Day 44 – Aftermath

Looking interestedly at my hands now, following last night‘s disastrous outburst of hand-scratching. There’s less redness than before, there are three holes that have now stopped weeping fluid (thank god) and I have little desire to scratch. Are they calming down as a result of today’s Hydrocortisone intervention and long afternoon nap? Or is the eczema in a falsely-induced coma, storing the cortisone in my body fat in order to react worse the next time I try to withdraw? I suspect some combination of the two, and continue to (on balance) be happy that I’ve only used my weakest steroid for well over a month now. Even if the cortisone is getting held by the skin and will, one day, have to be painfully washed out, I still think that it’s not a bad idea to use it to bridge the gap off steroids…

Ate pufuleti (a Romanian corn-based snack, very very light, but salty) instead of biscuits this eve. As described before I’m wondering about the connection between spikes in blood sugar. This theory would be backed up if I don’t scratch tonight…although…if I didn’t scratch tonight it would certainly be linked to me using the steroid ointment…ahhh so complicated.

Pufuleti aside, I ate healthily today. Was particulary pleased with my veg filled tuna-salad-plus-potatoes dinner, and the “apa minerala” (carbonated water) I had with squeezed lemon…pretending it was Prosecco…

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